Artist Statement

So, i don’t really think i have a certain way of taking pictures, and honestly i’m not the greatest at taking pictures. I like to take pictures for fun, i don’t like to have certain things to take the picture of. I like to have variety and have pictures of anything and everything that stands out to me and seems cool. I love black and white photograhy and i love to edit my pictures. I like to change the color and contrast in my photo’s to improve them. Thank goodness for photoshop, works wonders! I try to make my pictures very clear and have some reasoning to them. I take my camera everywhere with me, just in case, so i can snap a shot at anytime.  When i travel i love to take pictures of alot of different things, because some people may not ever know what other cities and states are like, so photography can give you that visual. I do some work on my photography, and i would love to take photography for more than just something fun to do!

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